Saturday, October 27, 2018

Found Art Friday 263

 Dear ones,
We're back, are you? Flabbergasting to watch, the how low can we go go..... oh.  While trying to mediate our intake, Art Ranger rambles around doing odd forms of maintenance: including the recording and re-coding of visual quarks.  So wonderous is it to discover various gems of perception provided by others, such as this:
Inside Out: provided by Dave Lindenthal-Cox and his Aplomado:   @greenfieldsfalconry
More than ever, it seems important to look away, to look up,  look out!!:
Wobbling on the ceiling, as noted by Bonnie Hotz who makes pots
or, to see what is deflected through our same old bathroom "security glass"
Gentleman Jeff collected
Recent Space-X launch:  good heavens, the hubris, the hope ......

Happy Hour sky paintings   .........    let's dance!!
What next? More (art) to stumble your eyes upon and please share here:

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Found Art Friday 262

Dear ones,
As you may have noticed, Art Ranger has been out of the interwebs, instead doing her service by putting up Art indoors.  Here are some links to the goings on: DesEscondidioPress about it
Critical Ground: MAD2
Where do we go from here?

Since Department of Homeland Inspiration hiatus, we thou/thee/our nation-under-pain has arrived at yet a new low lowering of our level of dangerous disgust and distrust with scabs of the daily
ripped off, each of us festering/ processing this in her or his or their own way.  

Warrior Pose

Though it is hard to concentrate on the mundane, we carry on with our eyeballs rolling over earth, hopefully wired to hope, searching for glimmers of humor or irony or shy beauty in the sad rubble.

Yesterday, a curb drawing asserted its narrative tendencies:
hanger ing on. Break in to your own heart you not self driving car. Dance the night away
It doesn't look like much, but Art Ranger wishes to share her moment of enthrall over this:
Scuff plate. Swept by Breezes and leaves. Leaves and breezes upon the hard heartshaped earthhearth.

"wonders never cease" as mother would say
In general, the art of Artist at Large is about taking note and being very humbled by what already exists here in the world:
Garden Squash texture that will feed 18 people
Speaking of Gardens, last but not least, in fact of utmost importance, are these images delivered fresh from the Sandwich Fair in rural New Hampshire, by a most admirable and reliable smile bringing college friend: with structural vegetables, mucho gusto, imagination, toothpicks .......

humble pie?
Yep - the winner: "Death Car 3000"
Inventive contraptions R US!  It's possible for you too to send your Found Art Friday to: ( and we are so very glad when this happens.