Welcome to the
Department of
In case you've just arrived, what we seek to bring you here on Found Art Fridays is a collection of visual art and language that interprets the surround, enlivens our awareness as beings in the world. There is
Art in museums and galleries and books and then there is art as it leaks into everyday life.
Due to last week's loss of circulation, today we post a more lengthy supplement. Have you noticed how some
days get eaten too fast? Especially a Friday involving automobile repair.
Because a local online newspaper will soon link up and synch up with this blog, our timing will now be: Friday morning the Art Ranger posts. And throughout that week, your participation is invited and advised toward the next posts: FAF@homelandinspiration.org. Additional entrees of subject happen when they happen.
Today's Found Art Friday is devoted to intersections of words with images.
Gathered from speaking on the phone with her mother, who has been giving tours to school children for over forty years as an "art docent"; a nine yr. old hand gets raised at the "old masters" show "What's that fuzzy thing above the baby's head?"
Speaking of museums, the Art Ranger attended a real live Art Event in Monterey (California) at a newly transformed public space:
http://museumofmonterey.org. Along with the refreshingly relevant and high quality contemporary art exhibition, the Ranger fixated on pieces from the permanent collection: a "local artist" of the WPA era. These fragments of drawing, cartography and language were beautiful to the hearing and ironic to the mind when held up beside our current conundrums in this state. Jo Mora is so interesting that Google barely even carries him.
And From Pichard Piscuskas in Los Angeles, where we imagine that everyone might be writing or starring in a screenplay:
These two sent from Susan Needleman at different times |
It was the A Ranger's good fortune to experience the above establishment. Best of all was the smell, and the amount and color of light. When poetry may fall out of the sky, how do we continue to make it? |
Favorite Political Campaign Mailing of all time
Hats off to you, for something we're sure. And remember, found art ART can happen any time any where, by being there now, or noticing to notice.
The Art Ranger (working on a blogature signature, but only 5 fonts offered here) |