Friday, June 17, 2011

Found Art Friday 56

Welcome to Found Art Friday,
Nearing the longest day of the year, what we aggregate here are series of images collected and shared that seem to manifest before our eyes or our minds in an artful way.  A moment plucked from time.
This Brewers Blackbird captured by Jim Lindenthal, strutting his stuff at the beach
Makes Art Ranger think that these two were "birds of a feather"
The above was transmitted by Bonnie Hotz in VegasSome weeks later, she witnessed Snail Ballet while drinking coffee in the garden 

As mentioned dear folks, The "art" Art that you find, need not occur Friday, that is merely our day of FAF presentation.  However, often times it turns out to be the most fertile day of having the camera on hand.
Today, we had a bit of "time to kill" sitting in our vehicle. Up drove this stunning truck of rust calligraphy to add to our ongoing patina collection

Plus one for the "Why we love being the mother of boys":

Stunt by Noah.  Sculpture by Addison Moore @ Monterey Regional Waste Management District

Have a story on us! And please don't forget your toothbrush or your camera.
Some of us remember times when cameras were used mainly on vacations.  Now cameras are inherent. They are part of peoples arms or pockets or eyelashes or sense of identity.  Images are bits and bytes.  How do we still cultivate meaningful and interesting visuals in a world of over-saturation?
Please submit your "found art" to

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