Saturday, February 22, 2020

Found Art Friday 300

Dear ones,
Whoah ! said she. By now The Art Ranger has made quite a few of these blog posts (300) from our virtual desk.  The Department of Homeland Inspiration evolved out of the compunction do at least a sliver of art today, even if it wasn't going to be a sculpture, a drawing, a thing, but just a small perimeter put forth.  Art has always loved technology and danced around with it; so shall we continue tapping on little black squares with our digits toward this practice?  Though cranky and rusty, we re-invent to invigorate .
 bird rain captured by her errand windshield
Sharing images through the inter-webs by squeezing them through little tubes or across air sprinkle : which then comes back up to breathe as a picture?  Bouncing light into each others eyeballs.
In 2010, we thought this to be miraculous, and truly - it still is!
plus how utterly beautiful the small changes can be where we get to walk
What is your Department of Homeland Inspiration? we open the question.  To collect small gestures while being attentive to the visual experience of your moments, those inconsequential encounters that pepper our days on earth as we go about our businesses.  All this in 2020 burgeoning by the Instagrammification of existence, which we fully enjoy, despite our hashtag apathy and scrolling apoplexy. 
Bonnie appreciates the eggplant heiroglyph watercolor left in her kitchen
Friend in the Bay Area wonders on her walk - about the hidden symbolism or,  what some might call "totally rando"
We are interested in how for each one, their eyeful is as different as their brain -full and how those two arenas might intersect.  For many, we acknowledge that a day can be all paved and bent and maybe gone up in an elevator with chem carpet, hammered into being a worn human survival unit.   Our purpose is this  - Art Ranger looks out for art with a small a  - the spirit of it might be:
admiring the person with the gumption to achieve our favorite most inventive car repair
About the outer atmosphere, we want to barf and scream !!!!!  But also, for different reasons, we still want to dance wearing striped socks and try to spread love,  because so many humans are still actually wonderful.
tendrils, tending, tenderly to growth

Images are now in a leadership position, more than ever, isn't it strange?  Thank you for visiting the Department of Homeland Inspiration.  Please send a moment of spice to