Friday, December 23, 2016

Found Art Friday 218

Dear ones,
This week's Found Art Friday is a collection by our family clan member Uncle Dave, bird whisperer and professional Falconer, working in Fort Ord.  Man and birds in communion have provided the service of preventing Swallows from nesting in the "blighted buildings" during demolition.  Would you have thunk it?

Art Ranger and her DIY tribe, we love to make things.  However, always looming on the horizon are destruction and impermanence; and how beautiful that can be once we let go of the pieces. And let the pieces go.

How could we ever make something so lovely. Chunks clinging so doggedly to their re-bar beginnings

Watch Mora the Aplomado Falcon do her work of discouraging Cliff Swallows:
 Mora comes back to the man's arm -  day after day, month after month, asserting her food chain presence/ prominence:
Amazing!  (while Art Ranger can barely find her vehicle in the parking lot).

In Spanish, Aplomado means having aplomb, being poised, confident, sure-footed (or winged?).  May we all achieve the right amount of "aplomado" now as we celebrate the holidaze and transition into a new year full of being present, even in the tiniest moments (despite current events).   Please continue to send your art incidents to where the Art Ranger plans to take up a seventh year of this blog, this invented "place" we seek to share with you.

1 comment:

  1. Yet again, another beautiful and insightful entry! Thanks so much, Art Ranger! The close overlap between beauty and brutality (and destruction) it often on my mind. Donna Tart writes beautifully about this in her novel "The Secret History". Happy Holidaze to you too! Hope to see you soon!
