Friday, November 4, 2011

Found Art Friday 65

Dear blogo visitors, 
Today's Found Art Friday means we need to clear our desktop at the same time as offering A short History of The Department of Homeland Inspiration.  Aren't there are things you've seen that make you wish you had a camera at that moment? What is visual memory?
As a person highly interested in current events, we were tired of how absurd and depressing almost all news and especially our national news is. We began to report on a very different subset of news, one which involves people tuning in to their immediate environments. Things that strike you.  

A few years ago, the Art Ranger-in-Training parked her car at a doctor’s office and saw this: This sign wasn’t “art” per say, but it managed to be poignant and thought provoking. Preventative medicine that seemed to be working. It made her want to bring her camera. Taking note. Taking action. Taking care.  All that  unexpectedly from a sign. “A sign”.  From that day onward, a deliberate and diligent digital visual diary had begun. As a supplement to the artist sketchbook, the art museum  of daily life was getting collected.  For close to two years now, the visual dialog is opened to anyone who wishes to share their visions.
from Bonnie Hotz 
(what great shoes)
2 by Noah Lindenthal near that amazing Army Surplus store in Englewood
Found by Jim Lindenthal in Pacific Grove

 And sometimes it is what people say about the picture that is most interesting: Still life with old bench and found sweater from Richard Piscuskas in L.A.

Have a great week! Send foundlings to:

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