Friday, May 24, 2013

Found Art 124

Dear Ones,
For months of teaching, The Art Ranger asked students to do more, please do more, go farther, deeper, wider.  Try it.  jump over a hurdle even and hit it with your leg. This is an ART project afterall.  But this week, the news is flooded with a different More as in (Moore), OK.
Since we are in the image and thinking business, we're drawn to the eyewitness reminders of humans not even as important as ants.  Our teensy weensy itsy bitsy ness.
Of patterns in universe versus us and all our big tiny human container feelings. 
We are also in the business of juxtaposition:
Albatross passing
More from the Pacific Gyre
From Richard near Los Angeles
Somehow those heart wringing images also go so well with this above gem sent in last Friday from our friend, art for life brother. And thinking of those lost angels, too soon swept.

What ends up where just amazes us.
Well, have a week of memorializing and such, see wonders, do wonders?  Let us know at 

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