Friday, May 19, 2017

Found Art Friday 227

Dear ones,
We can't not be distracted by the quaking breaking "news".  It seems ages ago that Comey man admitted to feeling "slightly nauseous" (good sign) .... Meanwhile, the  comb-over, the sad mad Mr. What-not-to-be continues to blow himself up with over-inflation over what can not be just combed over.  Art Ranger became her father cussing at the television in 1972.  We would like to get off this carousel  - yet we are grotesquely fascinated by it. The ratings must actually be so high!

"There is nothing further to add on that." X 500 - We have Spicers, McMasters and Flakes ....

Is this the implosion of democracy?  Or is it the recharging station? 

Mother earth is surely going to rear her head. 

Insert breathing lessons that focus on the color of green or blue tones of nature:
At the Wishing Well (Sackler Museum, Washington DC )-  No one seems greedy - shared are small, basic, unifying wishes.  Moments of intention and wishes we wish for each other 

Bob's Art Lesson   -   Dad grew from art
Downtown Salinas   (We love heavy things that work)
What is America now?  How should we define ourselves? 
Since we can not accept many of the swirling narratives .
Scolds Bridle from 1700's  - we pair it with:
Please send your own randomness to

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