Friday, September 22, 2017

Found Art Friday 233

Dear Ones,
Despite finding ourselves placed on a precipice
erected by two bufffoons
that are way too into their hair
running hot, wagging tongues waging
swaggering wars whilst investigation warms to cut close
around his sick heartlessness while we gawk with jaw agape
at nature's power to completely dismantle human efforts
while tweeting at-risk-for-stupidity senators regarding healthcare debacle
We would like to see (or make) a sine wave frequency of our global anxiety level
Oh yes - here at The Department of Homeland Inspiration, where every day is full of work and play (if we are just able to notice and to breathe .....); the following lovelies and oddities have entered our community inbox:
Bonnie Hotz seeing dinosaur bones
Water smiling
Naval fleet, village or waiting in line
 We'll call them decompositions

Now here are a few more captures from Art Ranger out on the range.  These emphasizing the entrails of civilization:
Somewhere hot in Utah near a skinny horse
Cousin of squashed abandoned glove

We feel a nodule of narrative coming on .......  

Speaking of which, we found this page amongst the 48 years of flotsam and jetsam in the childhood bedroom.  Let's call it Story in a Jar:
Fiction Circa 1983?  We loved our typewriter - the rhythmic sound helped us want to keep going.
Have you changed much?  Please tell us through images or stories or squashed findings ... .......
send to and we will certainly try to weave it in.

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