Saturday, May 4, 2019

Found Art Friday 282

Dear ones,
What has stubbed your toe lately?  As usual, non human animals just know things that we don't.  Every special teacher we have ever had throughout these life chapters says something about one's heart.  "Listen to your own heartbeat, can you?" says Tai Chi Instructor Leonard Han.  This week, Art Ranger had the pleasure of seeing this man's art studio.  As our practice is to treasure art of the moment, we also get to witness a visitor and its iridescent neck seeming so at home with this art ledge found on Cannery Row.  Lovely siting for a work in process that is already about process:
This viewer had the doors blown off her eyelids regarding the paintings; not just the craft, but its narrative potential, in careful, mysterious, figurative configurations. Yes, go figure! 
Painting by Leonard Han that is not even slightly finished
We're still trying to get the hang of yin and yang! Along the way, this man was, is,  and will be painting, though all we really knew about was the breathing (yes those "breathing lessons" we love to re-shape and share and shift). Or, try the horse pose while holding one's arms as though there are pigeon eggs in pits thereby increasing circulation - isn't that what all the world needs to know about itself? 
People must squeeze all they can out of it:  oil paints, as well as living fully while lightly

In contrast, a week ago we attended an Art Fair in San Francisco featuring 92 galleries.  This somehow is Art Ranger's favorite copyright protected picture from the day.  
Lots of Art History grads at the tiny plexi-desks in long thready assymetrical sweaters, less lipstick. Bright hued eye wear amongst the elders.

we really didn't need three jars of ancient celery seeds, now did we
Please tune in by sending us images.  So very refreshing would it be!  Otherwise, we make it all up:

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