Saturday, April 27, 2019

Found Art Friday 281

Dear ones,
We must impose structure upon ourselves, so we don't spill out the door and soak in too quickly.  Department of Homeland Inspiration found her show on the road all the way in O h i o where a river names it. Rather than the usual (found art), we'll share a travel log of work in process.
With collaborator and art rock of a friend,  Nanette Yannuzzi:
A performance workshop - both making and doing: with Oberlin College sculpture students
Conjuring the Urgency and Absurdity of our current people - planet entanglement.  Breathing Lessons has to do with Earth, a way of looking at its care, by scaling down to our body.
what you do with what you are given
Net building challenges were prescribed using limited bits and bytes, cords, strings, stretchy and stiff, (many re-used and re-purposed) knots and nodules: a confluence of tension and slackness, discussion and banter, loose connections, webbing ...

When making art we are taught to say to ourselves: 
"who is my audience?" Hmmmm

In this case it was just us, no spectators, only doers.  Perhaps, by playing with the residue of the sketch, the next audience is you, so  ...  you hoo ..
Yes,  strolling trombonist accompanied and intoned the actions while dismantling the traditional jaunty song,  blowing it apart,  up   down   slide   to  part  and  rejoin
( Imagine edited video clip here)

Trouble that rimes with T
Therefore, we requested a (professional) meditator, so in the zone.  Amidst a slough of maps resuscitated from dumpster by resourceful teacher
While a redactionist was very busily removing important conclusions and cohesions

(Art Ranger sees those redacted words sitting somewhere together wondering what to do, how to get back to earth?  Having meetings.  Farenheit and Celcius for instance, having a heated argument, while some are drinking tea with the elderly)

Growing our senses while taking care of the sphere together

Cartographer etches the continents

Purposeful conveyer of the future.  Have a great week, you hoo, whom.  And what's behind the scenes of your brain, your walk on the planet? Your work and play?

1 comment:

  1. Melissa, I thought I wrote this really great comment, just to have it's a shorter version. Always interesting to watch you work, stretch, twist, blow up, intertwine, mesh, reduce, rethink, ideas. C R E A T E. Love the image of the meditator with the LARGE sponge phones. Wish I'd been there!
