Friday, February 22, 2013

Found art Friday 113

Dear ones of yous,
Speaking of seeing, some days that is our digital art form, our frame grab, our take-a-deep-breath:
Here is a trio of appreciation moments from the beach:

 from Normi Burke refreshing in school mailbox
ocean's relentless wash cradle
improves colors

Around that same day, the Art Ranger spotted this deconstruction event
  "the center can not hold"  ish ....
and poignant to her.

  going up against gravity takes a lot.
?  arrived from Bonnie Hotz
An epiphany? Some light done gone up in smoke? This image latches on to memory of AR being in a very serious seminar setting when a fellow student was presenting on a tiny sliver of the history of photography: that of ectoplasm. 
("Ectoplasm is a substance reportedly spontaneously exuded by the bodies of spirit mediums during ritual events. It can have the appearance, variously, of a liquid, gelatinous mass or length of loosely woven cloth (or some combination thereof "). This absolutely struck her funnybone and probably caused uncontrollable ragdoll contorsions of quashed laughter in the classroom:
Antique photograph of medium Mina Stinson Crandon exuding ectoplasm
1920s or so

 (Later it became Photoshop).
 With that my friends, we part our found art of this Friday
by savoring some everyday magic which we never get tired of.  
How do these Big Useful Birds manage such perfection? 
Send your version of vision to

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