Friday, February 6, 2015

Found Art Friday 168

 Dear intrepid ones,
Today's Found Art Friday revisits a book called "Ways of Seeing" (circa 1972) by John Berger that made a loud squeaking noise on the Art Ranger's bookshelf until it was pulled out and cracked open:
(Berger in bold)
It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world: we explain that world with words, but words can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it.  The relation of what we see and what we know is never settled.
Rene Magritte (1868-1967) - Fine Realities

Art Ranger is, as you read this, roaming about the world looking after that "unsettled" process,  collecting and sharing some of "what we see".  Folding in words describing worlds.  One wonders how Mr. Berger would interpret today's nearly omnipresent phone cam therefore i am era into his argument?
Mysterious sculpture of 4' ft. 8" tall bronze Gentleman staring at Pine Cone (insert phone) in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. No didactic plaque present.

"that we are surrounded by it " has taken on new meaning since 1972.  "It" is a vastly different place of (in part) self-made-selfness traced through images-therefore-i-am residue that circulates in a riotously abundant manner ..... instant grams, snaps of chats, posts, loops, memes, #s, and obsessive self-noticings of myriad mobile, satellite and cloud-assisted never-before-possible forms.

Even still, with all our overabundance, so very many moments we perceive,  just do not translate into photographs, yet, we continue to strive to capture more, more, more, as a kind of salve to the living breathing surprise-loving brain. Yet, a great many other image-moments are only noticeable or memorable due to their unpremeditated, out-of-pocket instant inspirational stoppages in time:
not requiring a Nikon camera, yet asking to please be acknowledged
Images were first made to conjure up the appearances of something that was absent.  says Berger. Gradually it became evident that an image could outlast what it represented;...
This is where we live!  Can hardly believe it sometimes.  Because the land used to belong to the US Military, it is still not entirely ruined yet.
An image became a record of how X had seen Y.   He goes on to say:  This was the result of an increasing consciousness of individuality, accompanying that an increasing awareness of history ...   Hmmm. ..... so now Art Ranger wonders about our current "consciousness of individuality" versus increasing? awareness of history.  Uh ....  don't think so ..... more likely to just take things out of context:
Cam doesn't get out much anymore.  He is losing his muscle tone. 
What have you loved to see this week?  Send suggestions to our inbox here:

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