Friday, March 6, 2015

Found Art Friday 172

Dear ones,
The inbox was graced with this gift from the east coast:
Philly Snow Woman from Scholar Julie Regan
Especially enjoying her hair doo and rare snow boobs
Snow woman is friends with ancient art treasure:
28,000 B.C. Venus of Villendorf

And mysterious telephone pole base offering from Friend in the Bay Area.

Posted prominently outside the Visual and Public Art Department

OKAY okay -  that is part of what we artists do.  On some level.  We HELP the world by expressing inconvenient things
and we push buttons.  Belly buttons
neck and eyes and nose and toes buttons - sure, we do self-reflection, but we mesh it with big world digestion.
We do service in this world by shaking things up and pulling attention along thoughtful corridors  providing shared expressive relief.

You must be ready for another quote from John Berger's book Ways of Seeing:
....... History always constitutes the relation between a present and its past.  Consequently fear of the present leads to mystification of the past.  The past is not for living in ; it is a well of conclusions from which we draw in order to act.  ....

Veterans and their families:  Protest every Saturday morning for ten years:  Farmers Market:  Downtown Cleveland.
Are you a fan of #s? Do you #think the Art Ranger should go whole #hog on #ing  #everything?  Please tell us about it right here:

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